Cyclical vs. Linear Living — Whats the Difference + How it Benefits Health and Wellbeing

Humans are not built to produce the same amount of output every day, day after day, like a production line machine. We cannot produce both quantity an𝘥 quality work at this rate either…

and yet, we seem to be permanantly fixated on how ‘productive’ we have been.

This toxic form of productivity has to stop. Do we even know what true productivity means anymore?

The key is finding the balance between action and rest. Being able to see rest as an equal partner to action. A balance on the opposite side of a continuous cycle.

Irrevocably linked like day and night.

When we think in a linear 24hr time frame — where action after action takes us forward step after step — taking a day off can be interpreted as standing still, wasting time, or not achieving’.

But when we choose Cyclical over Linear thinking and action; a cycle of 28 days which just like the moon, includes days of rest AND days of action. Days to shine your fullest, and days when it’s ok to be dark and conserve your strength

This is a sustainable pattern to follow that means we can keep creating quality work and maintain our creativity, drive and passion without burning out

When we live cyclically this way our actions are matched with the seasons of nature, our menstrual cycles, our circadian rhythm, the phases of the moon, and the astrology and movement of the night skies

Everything working in sync and aligned.

The Energy Influence

The energy around you is constantly shifting, changing, expanding and contracting, and just like the moon pulls and controls the tides that energy can pull US in different directions too. That doesn’t mean it is a bad thing, or that we don’t have any control. BUT, what is important to understand is that it takes a LOT more energy and exertion from us to try and push against these energies instead of adapting and aligning to them so that we can use that energy to boost and increase our abilities.

Not only can these energy changes affect our creativity, focus, productivity, ability to focus, plan or take action, they also impact areas of our health too. Sleep, our emotions, physical or mental exhaustion, dreams, resilience and so much more can be impacted by these changes, and if we aren’t tuned into our bodies and what’s going on in the world around us these changes can 1. feel like our body is working against us, and 2. have us trying to push and force our way towards particular goals or outcomes and depleting our resources which in the long term damages our health and wellbeing.

Types of Cyclical Energy

Everything in nature is about balance. A cycle nested within a cycle, within a cycle.

The cycles of the sun (day and night), the moon, the planets, the four seasons…

And our menstrual cycles…

These cycles provide for us a framework or pattern to follow that ensures we too bring that balance and connection into our lives, our daily routines and practices, and hopefully our work.

Tuning into the energy of the Earth and the wheel of the year helps us to reconnect and re-root ourselves in the inherent cyclical flow and energetic shifts of nature that effect all life. In turn this allows us to live from our natural state of vitality, leaving behind the pressure to always be doing, to fill our time, and to leave behind the guilt of taking time off, resting, or focusing on ourselves.

We too are a part of nature, our bodies made of the same atoms and star dust as the world around us, we often forget that we are a part of the world we life in too. not apart from it. And so our minds and bodies also need the same balance. We need that ebb and flow of action and inaction.

We can also use that flow and shifts in energy to create greater focus and forward momentum in our lives, work, and goals. Instead of constantly pushing and forcing to get where we want to go how WE think it should happen, when we lean into the natural energy and focus of the space we are in and align with that energy we move forward faster. Think of it like a fast flowing river; if you try to swim against that current you will go nowhere, and be exhausted just trying to stay afloat. But when you go with the flow of the current the water will carry you forward faster, without much effort on your part.

This is how the energy of the Universe works.

This is the energy that we see reflected in the natural world around us. When we take our cues from nature we are guided forward in a way that supports our productivity, our health + wellbeing, and all in a way that brings us greater happiness and contentment along the way.

While the moon and her phases is the cycle most closely linked to our menstrual cycle and body’s fluctuations each 28 days there are many moving parts the cyclical energy that can influence us and that we can reap the benefits of when we know how.

We will dive deeper into how you can use this cyclical energy and harness it to improve your planning and productivity later(as this will be the first in a series of posts/letters), but to start her are some basic differences between the two ways of being day-to-day to help you understand:


Linear thinking and living looks like:

  • Waking up and expecting every day to have the same energy

  • Refusing to take days off even when you’re exhausted because you think you will be behind

  • Believing you are too busy or can’t afford to rest

  • Assuming that your body will always do what you want and bend to your will

  • Repeating the same routines and daily habits day after day

  • Not paying attention to the food you put in your body

  • Believing that Monday to Friday are workdays and you only have two days off

  • Working 8-6 every day regardless of how you feel or how productive you’re being

  • Being constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and feeling like you are missing out on life/dont have time for the important stuff

Cyclical living and action looks like:

  • Changing your daily routines and rituals as the season changes.

  • Listening to your bodys needs and supporting it accordingly with changes to your nutrition, hydration, exercise and rest.

  • Knowing that your energy and how you feel each day will be different and loving yourself regardless.

  • Having days where you focus on your rest and self care because you know that is part of the productivity cycle

  • Sleeping longer (when you can) through the Autumn/Winter and during certain phases in your cycle when your body need it

  • Knowing when are good days to be focused on productivity, take meetings, or prioritise selfcare and creativity within each cycle to maximise your output AND your wellbeing

  • Taking time to appreciate the abundance you have now and the things you already achieving over focusing on the next future goal

  • Building a strong connection with nature and the natural world to keep you grounded, centred and focused each day

  • Prioritising your days and taking action with intention


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